If your Appraisal Page button is disabled, your Properti Admin user will need to check the CRM mappings to ensure that the connection is complete.
In under your account settings, there's an Appraisal Lead Page button in the top right hand corner. If this is displaying as disabled (below image) please contact your Properti Admin user so they can check the CRM mapping in Properti.
When the CRM mapping is complete for your user, the button will display in colour and is clickable.
What is CRM Mapping?
Individual agents need to be added to Properti as a user. If you aren't sure what type of user permissions they need, please check out Team Roles.
Example: If Andrew has listed a new property and they are either/both;
a) Not mapped to the CRM in Properti
b) Not in Properti as a user
Then their listings will still feed from the CRM to Properti, however the automations will not work and you won't be able to generate any bespoke creatives for that listing. as they are not mapped to the CRM and/or a user in Properti.
Mapping your CRM agents to the Properti workspace is as simple as going to the CRM Mappings and matching them up in the dropdown menu. Remember to click the tick button so your changes are saved!