Easily create bulk posts across all your pages at once, without having to duplicate your post
Post to bulk pages option
In the share drawer, you will find an option labeled "Post to bulk pages." This feature allows you to determine how you select the page(s) for publishing your post. This dropdown option is shown in the screenshot below.
When you use one of the Bulk Post options, a separate post will be created for each selected page. Consequently, you will see an additional entry in your Posts list for each page you choose. This approach simplifies the process of managing your posts, making it easier for you to delete individual entries if needed.
Single Post: "Select one page"
This is the default option, and does not allow you to select more than one page per platform. You can choose the page via the "Posting from" select in the platform post box. This option is available to all workspaces.
Bulk Post: "Select multiple pages"
When you choose this option, additional selection boxes will appear below for the platforms you've selected for posting. This allows you to easily choose multiple pages for each platform. Please note, this option is not available to workspaces on basic plans.
Bulk Post: "Post to all allowed pages"
When you select this option, a post will be generated for all your pages, provided that the following criteria are met:
- The page is included in your "allowed pages" setting on the App settings page for the relevant social platform.
- The page has opted in for bulk posts and head office content.
- You have the necessary access to use that page (applicable to Agent users only).
Please note, this option is not available to workspaces on basic plans.