How to Setup Leadgen Campaigns

A guide on creating leadgen forms and campaigns

Before you begin

A Facebook page admin must accept Facebook's Terms of Service for Leads for each Facebook page. This can be found at this page

This process is made up of three simple steps!

1. Creating the Leadgen Form

Head over to the Leadgen Form area in Properti - found under the Campaigns Tab, or Leads Tab.

Go to "Create Form" button in the top right; this will open a popup as per below. Go ahead and fill-out the form with required details. 


You can select preview to see the layout of the form before selecting "Create leadgen form" to double check that you are satisfied with how it looks!

2. Generate the creative in Properti, or upload the creative you would like to use to go with the form

If the leadgen form creative will be for a property, the creative can be generated in Properti however if you have created something that you would like to upload, please head over to the Creatives tab > New Creative > Advanced > Manual Upload


3. Creating the campaign

Let's Get Started

Start out at the create campaign page within Properti. Select "Facebook" and your Facebook page on the "Let's get started" page. 


Select "Leadgen" as the objective and your newly created Leadgen form. 


We recommend using a custom lookalike audience with specific locations targeted. For more information see our more detailed guide on choosing audiences here.


Go ahead and choose any Properti creative(s) to run against. Image and Carousel creative are better for leadgen when compared to Video creative.

Image and Carousel creatives are good choices for Leadgen campaigns.


Leadgen campaigns require both time and money to get good results, so setting higher budgets and longer durations is important for these campaigns.

Important Note for LeadGen Campaign Budgets

Running Leadgen campaigns require a budget of at least $500 to provide any reasonable results; smaller budgets will result in under performant or ads not running at all. If you want to run campaigns for under $500, we recommend using the Website Visit objective.


Once you have made your way through to the "Review" part, this is where you set the Leadgen Campaign live.