Workspace: Agent Onboarding by Admin Setup

Below is a simple workflow for Admin Users to setup Agent or PM User Profiles

🚨 Before you begin, it's important to note:
Steps 1 & 3 to be completed by Admin Users
Step 2 will need to be completed by the Agent


  1. Create User & Profile Setup
  2. Instructions for Agent: Setup Password, Join Workspace & Connect Social Media
  3. CRM Mapping
  4. Troubleshooting

1. Create User & Profile Setup

Nagivate to the Team Invite Tab and click on the Create User Icon located in the top right hand corner.

Untitled design (14)

Upload the agent's profile picture and enter in the agent's information. Please ensure to select "Agent" as their Role and Save Details once this has been completed.

Update Profile Picture (3)

*To find out about other Team Roles, click here 

Note for Admin Users - Here's a ready made email template to send to your agents so they can complete the agent setup successfully.

Hi {Agent Name Here},

We have completed your profile setup for your new Properti account.

Please follow these steps included in this article:

Agent User Setup: Join Workspace, Connect Social Media Accounts & Add Payment Method for Individual Campaigns 

This will aid you with the successful connection of your Social Media Accounts, along with attaching your payment method if you wish to run agent paid social media campaigns.

Thank You.

2. Instructions for Agent: Setup Password, Join Workspace & Connect Social Media Accounts

View Article Here: Agent Login: Join Workspace, Connect Social Media Accounts & Add Payment Method for Individual Campaigns

    3. CRM Mapping 

    Note: this step only applies to "Listings" Upgrades - Upgrade here

    Once you have completed your profile and social media channel connections, your Properti Admin will need to complete some additional steps.

    1. Send Property Listing from CRM to Properti
    2. Check that Property Listing has been received to Properti under the Properties Tab
    3. Complete CRM Mapping under the CRM Mappings Tab
      i) Find the agent's name in the list, then click on the dropdown menu next to their name and select their name from the dropdown.
    4. Save changes.

    4. Troubleshooting

    If further troubleshooting is required, please contact with as much detail as possible, including screenshots so we can investigate further.