Properti Account Quickstart Process Guide

A three-step setup: Enter credit card, choose subscription, and connect Facebook

As part of your setup and onboarding, you will receive an invite from Properti to start setting up your account. 

Credit Card Requirement

  1. Credit Card Requirement:
    • A valid credit card is required to proceed with the quick start process.
    • This requirement applies to all users, including those in franchise arrangements.
  2. Franchise Arrangements:
    • Even if your franchise provides a lite subscription at no charge, you still need to enter credit card information.
    • The credit card won't be charged for the lite subscription provided by your franchise.
  3. Purpose of Credit Card Information:
    • The credit card serves as a verification method.
    • It may be used for paid social ad campaigns or subscription upgrades beyond the lite subscription.

Quickstart Steps

  1. Enter Your Credit Card Information
    • Provide a valid credit card to proceed with the setup process.
    • This step is mandatory for all users.
  2. Choose Your Subscription Level
    • Select the appropriate subscription tier for your needs.
    • If you're part of a franchise arrangement, confirm the subscription level provided by your franchise.
  3. Connect Your Facebook Account
    • Link your Facebook account to enable integration with the platform.
    • Ensure you have access to the Facebook account you wish to connect.

After Completing the Steps

  • Once you've completed these steps, you'll have full access to the features included in your chosen subscription level.
  • You can begin using the platform immediately after the quickstart process is complete.