Below is an article that goes through the steps on updating your Open for Inspection Schedule Automation.
Updating Open for Inspection Automations: A Step-by-Step Guide
Accessing Automations Tab
Go to the automations tab.
Click on the schedule option tab.
Editing Automation
- Click on the pencil icon next to the schedule automation you want to update.
Consider adding a date in the title to reference when it was updated.
Customising Creative Style for Still Image
- Select a creative style filter - Image
Choose Property Single - One image per listing
i) This is if you want each listing to have their own creative generated, or
Choose Property Collection - One image for all listings
iii) This option is for using a single creative to promote your upcoming open homes if you have your OFI website link in the post message text to promote website traffic
ii) This option is for using a creative that has a list to populate multiple properties or -
Select your creative template from the dropdown list. There is a preview icon next to the dropdown to preview the creative selected.
Only include a start tile or end tile (or both) if these have been created for you otherwise the schedule automation will not work.
Customising Creative Style for Video
- Enter "2" for under the minimum listings required box.
- Select a creative style filter - Video
Select your video template
Finalising Changes
Review and make any additional edits if needed.
Save the changes by clicking on "Create Automation Schedule"
Understanding Schedule Automation Process
Schedule automations are a set of actions that happen at nominated times.
Schedule automations are created and posted automatically, unless you have selected the draft option where manual posting is required.